Hello. Nice to meet you electronically. I hope all is well with you.

Welcome to Gemini Sessions, a literary archive of unredacted texts.

It only takes one person, saying one thing, just the right way to completely invert your thinking.

GS will be chronicling different kinds of conversations. Some directly with you (fiction and poetry), and some you will observe (interviews).

It’s the dips and valleys of conversations that give them their texture. The winding back and forth of the exchange of opinions and suggestions, and the change that is created in the mind, is the inspiration this literary archive was borne of.

In the spirit of Juan Eduardo Cirlot’s explanation of the myth of the Gemini:

“…the Gemini acquire the additional significance of a characteristic phase of the cosmic process as symbolized in the Wheel of Transformations: the moment, that is to say, in which pure creative force (Aries and Taurus) is severed into two parts, in such a way that one side of the dualism is elevated but the other descends into the multiplicity characteristic of phenomena.”

My hope is that you will see that every person you speak with is your heavenly twin.

Both divine and immortal.

Both of you.

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a literary archive